We’ll give you access to data insurance companies won’t.
Our Approach
Healthcare is a money-making game, and it’s all controlled by the biggest names in insurance. Our experts have access to the same data insurance companies use but won’t give you. Their goal is to make money, while our goal is to keep more money in employers and employees’ pockets. We will work with you to analyze this data and provide solutions that work best for your employees so you can stay focused on running your business.
Data shows…..
The data shows that the medical trend of premiums have consistently risen over the last 20 years and will continue to do so if we continue to operate in the same manner. Currently we are operating under the assumption that the major insurance carriers have our best interest in mind and will help us keep healthcare costs as low as possible. So…how have they done over the past 20 years?
What We Do
Expert Consulting & Support
Cost Control & Analysis
Customizable Healthcare Solutions
Healthy & Happy Employees
Meet Our Experts
$50K for fully insured clients: Sales bonus
or a cash grab?
How much do carriers contribute to the misaligned incentives that brokers face?
Accessing Your Company’s Hidden Cash Reserves
Making Health Care a Controllable Cost to Eliminate Overspend
Big Lie
How healthcare’s middlemen have deceived America’s C-Suites & fleeced U.S. businesses of billions